Step into the magical world of Disney with an enchanting selection of products from Enesco, featuring timeless characters and collections we all know and love...
Enesco’s exciting new collection combines today’s most sought after contemporary artist with the number one family brand, offering a truly unique collection.
Disney Showcase Collection
Offering a new range of highly detailed, hand-painted and ‘character-correct’ home décor and gift items which have the look of quality porcelain offered at affordable prices, cast in resin, the Disney Showcase Collection from Enesco is exactly that - a showcase of all of the best-loved characters from the magical world of Disney.
Disney Traditions
Disney Traditions combines the magic of Disney with the artistic style that can only be achieved by Jim Shore. Whether it is the spark of romance, magic spells or giant chivalry, Jim Shore brings the beauty and universal appeal of Disney characters into a unique blend of enchantment and Americana folk art.